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iSupplier Resources

This page includes all the information and resources you may need to use in the Oracle iSupplier system. This system will allow you to update your information with Metrolinx, submit invoices, and check the status of requests/payments.

We recommend that you start by taking the iSupplier eLearning course which can be accessed here:

To further support the information shared in this eLearning course, there are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Quick Reference Guides to provide additional insights and serve as job aids as you start using this system. These resources can be found below:

There are also some short “How-To” videos to demonstrate how to complete various tasks in the system. These videos include software navigation as well as guidance that may be helpful when completing tasks:

On an exception basis, some vendors are approved to submit non-PO invoices. If Metrolinx has approved you for this process, the resources below will be of assistance:

As with any software application, you should be aware of the Terms and Conditions of its use, which can be found here:

If you have any questions or need support, please contact your primary point of contact at Metrolinx. To report any application issues or if you need any additional support, please email